Another sad incidence where being black in America is a death sentence

Posted by Ria, 27 May

Photo credit: noamgalai /

It is sad to see how a cop can enjoy 10 minutes of pinning someone down to death! That is how George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man met his death on Tuesday, on the streets of Minneapolis.

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Four Minneapolis police officers have been fired over the incident where a white cop kneeled on the neck of Floyd as he cried out that he could not breathe. Bystanders also asked the cop to release him from his hold. But after minutes of pleading with the cop who was pressing his knee on the back of his neck, Floyd appeared motionless, eyes shut...

The incident has been trending on social media, drawing lots of condemnation worldwide as hundreds matched to the streets of Minneapolis in protest. Most of the protestors were wearing face masks that read “I can’t breathe” as the chanted near the site where this gruesome incident happened. Some motorists also honked in solidarity.

In a statement about the firing of the four cops by police Chief Medaria Arradondo, Mayor Jacob Frey said: “I support your decisions, one hundred percent” saying that the method used to pin Floyd’s head to the ground was against the regulations of the police department.

Mayor Jacob Frey has said the technique used to pin George Floyd's head to the ground was not permitted by department regulations adding that it is not a technique the officers are trained on

“There is no reason to apply that kind of pressure with a knee to someone's neck."

Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump said in a statement:

“We all watched the horrific death of George Floyd on video as witnesses begged the police officer to take him into the police car and get off his neck. This abusive, excessive and inhumane use of force cost the life of a man who was being detained by the police for questioning about a non-violent charge."

Its the lack of humanity that is really disturbing. Floyd cried for help. He said he was hurting... And this officer just had to press on!!! Just being fired isn't enough justice. These officers should be held accountable appropriately! A man died! His life matters!

17 responses to "Another sad incidence where being black in America is a death sentence"

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  1.   86Goddezz says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 20

    I think it's distasteful and traumatizing to post this video here. Do you no care about the mental health issues that come from watching murder? A murder that you see everywhere as if they were just playing basketball.... I think it would have been better to interview couples and see how it is effecting them and how they get through it. Bad taste.

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  2.   savi1967 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 20

    It's heartbreaking at how divided this country is on the topic of George Floyd. Why can't people understand it's not so important that this man was BLACK and was murdered in the streets by authorities sworn to serve and PROTECT…but that he was a HUMAN BEING that was murdered. I have to ask myself would this crime be just as irrelevant if the person had been Asian, White, Hispanic, etc. The world as a whole needs to pay attention. Stop focusing on the color of the skin and more on how inhuman it is to treat ANYONE that way regardless of their crimes and indiscretions. Everyone is entitled to their day in court. This is not the Wild Wild West where you can just gun down, assault and murder people in the streets. In law enforcement, there are protocols and proper procedures to follow when apprehending someone. I don't think that those procedures differ depending on a person's race. Black people have a reason to be angry!!

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  3. Posted: 07 Jun 20

    The number killer of Black people in America is Black people. Black on Black crime, Planned Parenthood! No riots or looting dor that though. More White people are killed by cops, more White people are killed by Black people but no riots or looting for that. Why was that guy even on the floor to start with, oh yes he was criminal not some saint. Black people are being used like always by the Dems, this is all to remove Trump, they don'y actually care about Black people. Once they get back into power dont think anything will be better, all they did was destroy their own areas for nothing.

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    • mamu80 says:
      Posted: 12 Jun 20

      If you cannot feel the pain inflected on our brother George Floyd and people who watch that senseless by this heartless police officer. You have no heart for humanity and keep your ignorant comments to yourself you heartless human -

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      • Summer_03 says:
        Posted: 15 Jun 20

        The pain inflicted on him and many others before! I am sorry this is happening to you in America! I am sad. We stand together with you! But we must remain optimistic their passing should not be for nothing! Pontsho from South Africa. Amandla a wethu- "the power is ours!"

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      • LookingFor81 says:
        Posted: 20 Jun 20

        Would that be the same George Floyd, the convicted criminal that held a pregnant woman at gunpoint and was a methhead! Yeah that's the one. Listetn if you want to treat this scumbag like the the new messiah, then that says alot about you. For the rest of us sane people, we don't feel sorrow for such people. Oh and I will say what the hell I like, you don't like it then tough.

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        • Starr83 says:
          Posted: 24 Aug 20

          I hope that the women on this site have enough self esteem to steer clear of a married obvious bigot just looking to use them for sex.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 20 Jun 20

      I have been saying the same thing for years Lookingfor81 but no one in the Black community wanted to listen. Should George have died over a $20.00 counterfit bill the answer is no. Should the cop who put his knee on his neck be charged for killing yes he should and he has been. Is Black on Black crime a problem in the black community? Yes it is and it should be addressed by BLM and others. Should the Police be defunded? No we need our police officers to serve and protect. Every 19 hours a BW is killed by a BM and I don't see any outrage from the Black community. More White people are killed by cops everyday but I don't see the outrage.

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      • LookingFor81 says:
        Posted: 26 Jun 20

        Yes it's all about Black Vs White. Its designed to fosters hate, BLM don't care about Black Black people, it's just a power grab using race. And as usual Black people are being used and they don't even see it, instead any hate they have for White people is taking over.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 03 Jul 20

      So true BLM is a joke and they don't care about Black lives because if they did they would be fighting to stop Black on Black crime. I am a conservative BW and I support conservative views the Democrats do not care about Black people if they did then changes would have made a long time ago. This victim mentality is not helping and has never helped.

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  4.   IMC58 says:
    Posted: 27 May 20

    Here we go again. A black man is being murdered in public, and the cops who did it were fired. Okay. Who would not agree with that after watching this horrific video? But why were they not immediately ARRESTED? There are always several sides to a story, however no matter what that gentleman did or was suspected to have done, nothing, absolutely nothing is an excuse for any of what unfolded in this video. The man was pleading for help, the bystanders were pleading for help, and nothing happened until the man was dead. And Quantumesque … while I am on the soapbox already … other crimes or crime statistics have absolutely nothing to do with this case. What about some empathy? For the man, who lost his life and for his family and friends.

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    • Maume25 says:
      Posted: 02 Jun 20

      It's really sad and heart breaking.. I really cried when I saw video.. I can't believe these things happens in the states.. I've lost interest of wanting to spend holidays in the states when things go back to normal. I've got families in different states in USA. I hope they are safe.

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  5. Posted: 27 May 20

    Never a mention of the pandemic level of black on white crime. Why? 9 out of 10 interracial crimes are committed by blacks against whites, yet this gets no attention in the mainstream media.

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    • LookingFor81 says:
      Posted: 07 Jun 20

      It does not fit their narative.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 20 Jun 20

      Exactly more Black men are killed by other BM in America then are killed by the Police.

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      • Starr83 says:
        Posted: 24 Aug 20

        Cite your sources of this supposed “pandemic”. A credible one. Not right winged nationalist extremist trash.

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  6.   Maltese69 says:
    Posted: 27 May 20

    absolutely disgusting

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